The Frederick Luis Aldama Emerging BIPOC Comics Studies Leadership Award recognizes an outstanding emerging BIPOC comics scholar who has demonstrated extraordinary service to the study of comics in academia, in addition to comics-based community-led organizations and initiatives. This prize seeks to support and honor the contributions of emerging BIPOC comics scholars whose labors are integral to the health of BIPOC comics studies, but whose leadership and service often go unrecognized. This award is generously sponsored by Dr. Frederick Luis Aldama, or Professor LatinX, the Jacob & Frances Sanger Mossiker Chair in the Humanities at the University of Texas at Austin.

Eligibility and qualifications: This prize recognizes outstanding emerging BIPOC comics scholars. In order to qualify for this award:

  • The nominee must be a graduate student or have been a graduate student in the previous three years before the awards cycle.
  • The nominee must self-identify as Black, Indigenous, or as a person of color, inclusive of biracial, mixed-race, mixed blood, and multiracial peoples.
  • The application must include the nominee’s CV and one (1) nominating letter (not to exceed five (5) pages) describing the nominee’s achievements in leadership and service in the growing field of BIPOC comics studies. Additional supporting letters are welcome but are not required. The letter can be written individually or collectively-authored with multiple signatories.

Application materials can be emailed to CSS at

APPLICATIONS DUE: May 15th, 2023