GSC Constitution

Revised July 2022

The Comics Studies Society recognizes the Graduate Student Caucus as an affiliated organization of
members that works to grow the field by supporting its members (4.1) and providing guidance to
undergraduates who hope to enter the field.


1.1 The name of this organization will be the Graduate Student Caucus (hereafter GSC) of
the Comics Studies Society (hereafter CSS).


2.1 The purpose of the GSC is to provide support to its members, which include currently
enrolled graduate students, newly admitted graduate students, graduate students between
programs (4.1), and scholars engaged in postdoctoral research. The GSC will assess the
needs/interests of its members and will provide fellowship, professional programming,
and advocacy for such individuals as they pursue their work in comics studies.
Specifically, the GSC aims to:

  • Determine and assess the needs of GSC members doing comics research.
  • Create spaces that allow GSC members to network with one another.
  • Integrate GSC members into the community of international comics scholars.
  • Mentor GSC members preparing for the job market, with specific regard to their
    comics studies specialization by organizing professionalization workshops.
  • Connect GSC members with potential outside committee members or readers for
    thesis and dissertation projects.
  • Assist GSC members instructors in integrating comics into the classroom.
  • Recognize the outstanding efforts of GSC members working in the field through
    prizes for outstanding student work.
  • Facilitate regional graduate conferences in comics studies, organized and
    implemented by GSC members with CSS support (when required).
  • Run a GSC member-centered column or page in our online presence, continually
    updated with reflections and news.
  • Recruit GSC members outside of the humanities and social sciences.
  • Provide support for undergraduate students looking to enter the field.


3.1 The GSC shall be provided an annual budget allocation of $500.00 USD from the CSS
Executive Board. The budget shall be used for the purposes of providing professional
development programming aimed at supporting current comics studies projects and the
future careers of GSC members.
3.2 The GSC Budget is subject to annual review by the CSS Executive Board (initiated at
their discretion). At this time, all documentation requested must be provided to the CSS
Executive. The results of this review will inform decisions on renewal or revocation of
the annual budget.
3.3 It is the responsibility of the GSC, in coordination with the CSS Treasurer, to maintain
accurate financial bookkeeping and records. The Secretary/Treasurer assumes the
responsibility of keeping track of on-going available GSC funds (from year-to-year), as
well as maintaining financial records such as receipts from purchases.
3.4 Moneys raised through fundraising efforts (merchandise, promotions, etc.) belong to the
GSC, but will be held in the CSS central organization account until withdrawal by the
GSC is requested. These funds will be tracked by the GSC Secretary/Treasurer alongside
the annual budget.


4.1 All currently enrolled graduate students, newly admitted graduate students, graduate
students between programs, and scholars engaged in postdoctoral research who are
members of CSS are de facto members of the GSC. Graduate students between programs
are defined as members who have received the receipt of a graduate degree (within the
last three years) and are in the process of or intend on applying to doctoral programs.
4.2 All GSC members retain their membership in the Caucus for three years following the
receipt of their (terminal or non-terminal) graduate degree under the condition that they
maintain their membership with CSS.
4.3 Members of the Graduate Student Caucus are eligible to run for GSC executive
committee positions, vote in elections and on caucus matters, and benefit from all the
rights and privileges guaranteed by the caucus.
4.4 Members of the Graduate Student Caucus are eligible to run for GSC executive
committee positions, vote in elections and on caucus matters, and benefit from all the
rights and privileges guaranteed by the caucus.


5.1 The GSC strives to be an inclusive organization and is committed to actively seeking out,
promoting, and encouraging the participation/engagement of marginalized groups and
underrepresented persons.
5.2 In pursuit of this commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion within the field of comics
studies, the GSC pledges to:

  • Provide opportunities for marginalized members of the GSC to take on leadership
    roles within the organization, if interested, without an expected history of
    publication, presentation, or historical involvement with the field at large.
  • Encourage membership and engagement within the GSC without the expectation
    of extra service labor in order to be recognized as a full participant.
  • Commit to promoting and maintaining a presence at CSS events in order to assist
    in fostering a welcoming space for our members.
  • Host online participation options for all GSC events and meetings that are open to
    our membership in order to address the ways that scholars with disabilities, those
    without financial wealth, and international scholars have been excluded from
    academic modes of participation.
  • Center and compensate the intellectual and creative work of those who have been
    marginalized scholars within comics studies and publishing, specifically scholars
    of color and of marginalized gender and sexual identities. In the event that the
    GSC cannot provide monetary compensation, the GSC Executive Committee will
    work with the scholar to find other ways to acknowledge and recognize that work.
  • Commit to using our broader digital platform as a space where we connect comics
    practitioners, fans, and scholars together regardless of institutional affiliation to
    encourage multimodal participation across digital spaces.
  • Commit to demystifying the profession and breaking down barriers to access and
    inclusion within the field of comics studies via sharing of information about
    conferences, CFPs, speaker opportunities, etc.
  • Support the interdisciplinarity of our field through the make-up of our featured
    GSC panels, roundtables, etc. and the CFPs that we share through our digital
    platforms to recognize the diversity and interdisciplinarity of our field of study.
  • Actively combat the tenets of white supremacist and capitalist culture by creating
    a flexible labour environment from within which we prioritize personal
    well-being and collective care above productivity and perfectionism.
  • Actively confront white supremacy, sexism, aggressions/discrimination against
    the LGBTQIA+ community, transphobia, and ableism within the GSC, CSS, and
    the field of comics studies at large.


6.1 The executive power of the Graduate Student Caucus will be vested in the GSC
Executive Committee.
6.2 A member of the GSC Executive Committee may be removed through a vote of
no-confidence, which is accomplished through a quorum majority vote by the GSC
Executive Committee. In the case of the removal of a member of the Executive
Committee, the remaining Executive Committee members will appoint, if deemed
necessary, a temporary replacement to fulfill the duties of the vacated office until an
official election can be held.
6.3 A member of the GSC Executive Committee may voluntarily step down from their
elected/appointed position at any time if they no longer believe that they are able to fulfill
the duties and responsibilities of their position (as outlined in Section 7). In the case of a
member voluntarily removing themselves from office, the remaining Executive
Committee members will appoint, if deemed necessary, a temporary replacement to fulfill
the duties of the vacated office until an election can be held.
6.4 The Executive Committee and any extraordinary meeting of members are each
empowered to establish from time to time such sub-committees as may be deemed
advisable and to appoint the membership thereof.


The GSC Executive Committee will consist of five elected officers and two officers
appointed by the Committee. The elected officers are the President, Vice-President,
Secretary/Treasurer, and two Members-at-Large. The appointed officers are the Web
Editor and Social Media Specialist.
7.1.1 The President shall assume responsibility for the GSC Executive Committee’s strategic
work through monthly planning of meetings and committee activities. They will commit
to guiding, organizing, and leading the development of programming initiatives that align
with the GSC mandate/constitution and reflect the best interest of the GSC membership.
The President will also serve as representative of the GSC on the CSS Executive Board
and Conference Committee (see 10.1.1). As such, they will be responsible for all
communication between the CSS Executive Board, the GSC Executive Committee, and
the GSC membership. In addition, they shall determine the agenda of the GSC’s Annual
Business Meeting. The President may only serve a single term for one year.
7.1.2 The Vice-President shall work with and assist the President in various duties, acting as a
stand-in if necessary. When necessary, they will manage internal committee affairs, such
as overseeing and delegating various tasks to committee members working cooperatively
on rendering the GSC functions operational (building online presence, delivering news,
organizing workshops/events, etc.). The Vice-President will work closely with the two
Members-at-Large as they work on GSC programming. The Vice-President shall also
serve as chair of the CSS Hillary Chute Prize Committee. Upon completion of their one
year term as Vice-President, the Vice-President will advance to the position of President.
7.1.3 The Secretary/Treasurer shall assume responsibility for the records of the GSC. As such,
they will obtain and preserve a copy of the GSC constitution and they will create and
maintain a written record of the GSC during their one year tenure as Secretary/Treasurer.
That written record will be composed of minutes from GSC Executive Committee
meetings and minutes from the Annual Business Meeting. In the event that the
Secretary/Treasurer cannot attend a GSC Executive Committee meeting or the Annual
Business Meeting, they will endeavor to secure a stand-in. The Secretary/Treasurer will
assist the President in scheduling such meetings. Further, the Secretary/Treasurer will
assume the responsibility of managing GSC finances and is responsible for keeping and
maintaining financial records, as well as coordinating with the CSS Treasurer. The
Secretary/Treasurer will also sit on the CSS Outreach Committee (see 10.1.2). The
Secretary/Treasurer serves a one year term. If elected to do so, the Secretary/Treasurer
may serve an indefinite number of terms (consecutive or otherwise).
7.1.4 The Members-at-Large (2) provide advice and aid to the officers on an ongoing basis in
carrying on the business of the Caucus. Additionally, they will be responsible for
co-organizing the annual GSC Mentorship Program and GSC Professional Development
Series. Members-at-Large serve one year terms. If elected to do so, Members-at-Large
may serve an indefinite number of terms (consecutive or otherwise).
7.1.5 The Web Editor is responsible for maintaining, editing, and curating the GSC webpage,
while collaborating with other members of the GSC Executive to grow the Caucus’s
online presence. The Web Editor will work closely with the Social Media Specialist to
ensure web content is shared across all platforms. The Web Editor will also design and
solicit content from members for the Spring and Winter Newsletter. The Web Editor is
appointed by the elected members of the Committee and serves a two-year term. The
Web Editor may serve an indefinite number of terms (consecutive or otherwise).
7.1.6 The Social Media Specialist is responsible for maintaining, creating, posting, and
managing various GSC social media profiles. The Social Media Specialist will work
closely with the Web Editor to ensure web content is shared across all platforms. They
will also collaborate with the CSS Social Strategist and coordinate reciprocal online
support for sharing information about news, projects, and initiatives to our members. The
Social Media Specialist will also be responsible for digital social networking that engages
with potential GSC members (see 4.1) for the purposes of expanding GSC membership
during their tenure. The Social Media Specialist is appointed by the elected members of
the Executive Committee and serves a two-year term. The Social Media Specialist may
serve an indefinite number of terms (consecutive or otherwise).


8.1 Elections for Executive Committee positions will be held annually, concurrent with the
general election of CSS. Elected positions on the GSC Executive include President,
Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and (two) Members-at-Large.
8.2 The Executive Committee of the GSC shall, with the help of the CSS Executive Board,
solicit suggestions from the membership for nominees to the positions of (two)
Members-at-Large, Secretary-Treasurer, and Vice President.
8.3 All GSC members may vote on the formation of the GSC Executive Committee during
the annual general election. The quorum is established at half the membership of the GSC
plus one.


9.1 Appointments to the GSC Executive Committee will be made by elected members of the
GSC Executive Committee when required. Appointed positions include the Web Editor
and Social Media Officer.
9.2 When an appointed position becomes vacant, the GSC Executive Committee will send
out an open call for applications to the position(s). The Executive Committee will collect
applications and may solicit applicants from GSC members. Any member of the GSC in
good standing is eligible for a position.
9.3 The GSC Executive will review applications and may conduct interviews with eligible
candidates. Upon completion of this process, the GSC Executive may choose to approve
an appointment or continue their search.
9.4 When an elected position becomes vacant, the GSC Executive may choose to appoint a
current elected member of the GSC Executive to the vacant position. In this instance, the
member would serve in an interim capacity until the term’s conclusion or until their
position is ratified at the annual election. Vacancies of elected positions that are not able
to be filled in this way should proceed as outlined in 9.2.
9.5 Appointments to the GSC Executive are confirmed by a quorum majority vote from the
Executive Committee.


10.1 The GSC is responsible for establishing and maintaining processes for the
recommendation or, when necessary, appointment of individuals who will occupy
positions reserved on CSS standing committees for GSC members. These
recommendations must be approved by the CSS Executive Board.
10.1.1 The President will be the first recommendation for the CSS Conference Committee. In
the event that this recommendation is not approved by the CSS Executive Board, the
Vice-President should be considered the first alternate.
10.1.2 The Secretary/Treasurer will be the first recommendation for the CSS Outreach
Committee. In the event that this recommendation is not approved by the CSS Executive
Board, the Vice-President should be considered the first alternate.
10.1.3 In the event that the CSS Executive Board votes not to approve the recommendations
made by the GSC Executive Committee as outlined in either 10.1.1 or 10.1.2, the
Members-at-Large should be considered second alternates.
10.2 In the event of the formation of a new CSS standing committee that requires GSC
representation, one of the elected members of the GSC Executive Committee who is not
currently sitting on another CSS ad hoc or standing committee should be recommended.
10.3 In the event of the formation of a new CSS ad hoc committee that requires GSC
representation, one of the elected members of the GSC Executive Committee who is not
currently sitting on another CSS ad hoc or standing committee should be recommended.


11.1 When deemed appropriate by the GSC Executive Committee, members may be requested
to vote on general matters important to the GSC at times other than the Annual Business
Meeting or Annual General Election. Matters to be voted on may include, but are not
limited to, amendments to the Constitution.
11.2 The quorum for voting on general matters is established at half the membership of the
GSC plus one.


12.1 The GSC Executive Committee will hold an Annual Business Meeting each year at the
annual CSS Conference.
12.2 The agenda for the meeting will be determined by the President of the GSC. The agenda
will be shared with the GSC membership at least 14-days prior to the meeting date.
12.3 All GSC members are invited to be active and contributing participants in the meeting.
They are invited to participate in all aspects of the meeting including (but not limited to)
asking questions, making suggestions, responding to initiatives, and voting on business.
12.4 The quorum for voting is established at two thirds the membership of the GSC who are
present (in-person or virtually) during the meeting.
12.5 All CSS general members are invited to be visiting guests in the meeting at the GSC
Executive’s discretion. They are encouraged to be present and listen to the proceedings of
the meeting, but are not permitted to actively participate.


An extraordinary meeting of members may be called by a decision of the GSC Executive,
or upon the request of at least one quarter of GSC membership. No meeting may be held
unless all the members receive adequate notice. Adequate notice is hereby defined as
email/social media notification of no fewer than 14 days prior to the meeting.
13.2 The agenda for extraordinary meetings of members shall be distributed by the organizer
to the membership by email/social media at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
13.3 Following any extraordinary meeting of members, the Organizer(s) are invited to attend
the next GSC Executive Meeting in order to present on the discussion or make
recommendations based on the meeting.


14.1 The constitution may be amended by two-thirds the membership of the GSC who are
present and voting, either virtually or in-person, at the Annual Business Meeting or
Annual General Election.
14.2 The constitution may be amended by half the total membership of the GSC plus one in a
general vote.
14.3 A minimum six weeks written notice of proposed changes must be provided to the GSC
membership and a method for submitting responses or hosting discussion about the
amendments must be facilitated by the GSC Executive (or, if applicable, the GSC
Constitution Revision Sub-Committee) prior to an in-person or virtual vote.