12.1 The GSC Executive Committee will hold an Annual Business Meeting each year at the annual CSS Conference.
12.2 The agenda for the meeting will be determined by the President of the GSC. The agenda will be shared with the GSC membership at least 14-days prior to the meeting date.
12.3 All GSC members are invited to be active and contributing participants in the meeting. They are invited to participate in all aspects of the meeting including (but not limited to) asking questions, making suggestions, responding to initiatives, and voting on business.
12.4 The quorum for voting is established at two thirds the membership of the GSC who are present (in-person or virtually) during the meeting.
12.5 All CSS general members are invited to be visiting guests in the meeting at the GSC Executive’s discretion. They are encouraged to be present and listen to the proceedings of the meeting, but are not permitted to actively participate.